The Nature Detective Program is a fun and interactive way of introducing elementary school-aged children to the St. Croix Estuary and Ganong Nature Park.  Students become “Nature Detectives” of the Park and help us discover and learn about what happens at the Park when we are not here. Students join Park Rangers in a Park investigation into the inhabitants of the Park.  Students follow a trail of clues as they hike and explore the Park and use these clues to make an amazing discovery at the end. Through their participation, students learn about our natural environment and about the animals that call our region home.  They are also introduced to various species of trees and learn about how they grow and adapt to the environment around them.

This program introduces young children to outdoor, hands-on experiences and helps to develop and enhance a love for their natural environment. By cultivating an appreciation and understanding of wildlife resources, this program aims to foster wise environmental stewardship and responsible actions toward wildlife and related natural resources.